Project Details

City of Marysville Marysville, MI Water Treatment

Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. (HRC) was authorized by the City of Marysville to provide professional design and construction engineering services for improvements and upgrades to the 13.0 MGD Water Treatment Plant (WTP) based on a Master Plan completed by HRC.

The existing water plant’s source water is the St. Clair River, which is fed from Lake Huron. The plant was originally constructed in 1938 and has been added on to several times over the years. Most of the current plant and equipment date back to the 1970s or earlier and are in need of replacement.

The design consisted of the retrofit and rehabilitation of the existing settling basins with plate settlers, automated sludge suction collectors, sludge pumping, inlet diffusers, new roof and concrete wall rehabilitation.