The Quarton Lake restoration project included dredging of sediment which accumulated over the past 30 years, shoreline stabilization utilizing bio-engineering techniques, creation of fish habitat in the lake, and an assessment of the tributary stream corridor. The stream assessment included a streambank erosion inventory and severity index based on MDEQ procedures to identify areas of erosion and sediment sources. Other components of the stream assessment included GLEAS habitat survey, biomonitoring, outfall toxicity tests, TSS, flow, and water quality monitoring. Restoration activities were coordinated with improvements to the adjacent park.
HRC facilitated Ad Hoc Committee meetings throughout the design phase to solicit public input and to ensure that residents’ concerns would be addressed. In addition, throughout construction, HRC assisted the City with developing flyers for area residents and articles for neighborhood association newsletters to apprise them of project progress.
HRC also assisted the City in developing and hosting a workshop for riparian land owners.
HRC was successful in obtaining grant funds for the City of Birmingham through the Rouge River National Wet Weather Demonstration Program and assisted the City with grant administration and reporting.