Daniel W. Mitchell, PE
Daniel W. Mitchell, PE, serves as principal in charge of general engineering services for several communities and governmental agencies. He oversees project management efforts for municipal infrastructure improvements, including road, sanitary, stormwater, combined sewer systems, and water main reconstruction projects, and has guided community leaders in the procurement of grant funding and financing options. Mr. Mitchell has over 30 years of professional experience and has been involved in the planning, design, and construction administration of upwards of $100 million in various infrastructure improvements throughout southeast Michigan. Mr. Mitchell has also worked with numerous industrial clients, including the Ford Motor Company and General Motors Corporation.
Email: | dmitchell@hrcengr.com |
Education: | BS, Mechanical Engineering, Lawrence Technological University, 1990 |
Professional Registration: |
Professional Engineer, Michigan NASSCO Certified Pipeline Assessment and Certification Program Certified Storm Water Operator for Industrial and Construction Sites, Michigan |
Societies: | American Public Works Association Michigan Water Environment Association North American Society for Trenchless Technology Southern Michigan Water and Sewer Utilities Association South Oakland County Municipal Engineers |

Nancy M.D. Faught, PE
Executive Vice President
Nancy M.D. Faught, PE, oversees HRC’s Civil/Road Design and Traffic Engineering Departments. Ms. Faught has over 30 years of professional experience and has served as manager and technical director for state and federally funded road reconstruction projects with construction costs totaling more than $31 million in recent years. Ms. Faught oversees services provided to communities, road commissions, transportation agencies, and private clients as well as to universities and airport authorities. Major projects often include utility design and coordination, planning and implementation of innovative stormwater management best management practices, traffic engineering, traffic control, and coordination of surveying and construction engineering activities. Ms. Faught’s diligent project management efforts have resulted in numerous award-winning projects.
Email: | nfaught@hrcengr.com |
Education: | BS, Civil Engineering, Michigan State University, 1987 |
Professional Registration: |
Professional Engineer, Michigan |
Societies: | American Society of Civil Engineers American Public Works Association Transportation Research Board Michigan State University – Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Professional Advisory Board |

Jesse B. VanDeCreek, PE
Vice President
Jesse VanDeCreek, PE, has over 28 years of professional experience and serves as principal-in-charge for general engineering services for several communities and governmental agencies. He has been directly involved in the planning, design and construction engineering of over $500 million in municipal infrastructure improvements including road, utility, water and wastewater treatment systems where he guided community leaders through state and federal grant funding procurement processes.
Email: | jvandecreek@hrcengr.com |
Education: | BS, Civil Engineering, University of Detroit, 1993 |
Professional Registration: |
Professional Engineer, Michigan, 1999 |
Societies: | American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers, Southeastern Michigan Branch Southern Michigan Water and Sewer Utilities Association Michigan Water Environment Association American Council of Engineering Companies American Water Works Association, Research and Technical Practices Committee North American Society for Trenchless Technologies University of Detroit Mercy Civil & Environmental Engineering Advisory Council |

Roland N. Alix, PE
Vice President
Roland Alix, PE, has over 16 years experience and serves as principal-in-charge for general engineering services and infrastructure improvement projects. He has been involved in planning, design, and construction engineering for approximately $200 million in public and private infrastructure improvement projects in Michigan and Ohio, including road and bridge, wastewater treatment, utility, site development and asset management projects. Of particular note, Mr. Alix’s experience includes major stormwater pumping station projects, rail car unloading facilities, wastewater treatment effluent pumping facilities, and parking lot replacement/rehabilitation projects.
Email: | ralix@hrcengr.com |
Education: | BS, Civil Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 2003 |
Professional Registration: |
Professional Engineer, Michigan |
Societies: | American Public Works Association American Society of Civil Engineers, Southeastern Michigan Branch American Water Works Association |

Michael C. MacDonald, PE
Vice President / Secretary
Michael C. MacDonald, PE, leads an extensive array of major infrastructure improvement projects for municipal clients and governmental agencies, including utility master plans; site/civil engineering projects involving roads, stormwater, water, and sanitary sewer systems; and parks and recreation facilities. Mr. MacDonald joined HRC in 1990, has over 30 years of professional experience, and is a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Michigan.
Email: | mmacdonald@hrcengr.com |
Education: | BS, Civil Engineering, Lawrence Technological University, 1989 |
Professional Registration: |
Professional Engineer, Michigan, 1994 |
Societies: | American Society of Civil Engineers American Water Works Association Southern Michigan Water and Sewer Utilities Association |

James F. Burton, PE
Vice President
James F. Burton, PE, provides municipal engineering services to several communities and leads environmental, stormwater management, and sustainability initiatives. He directs the activities of HRC´s Environmental Engineering Department and serves as project manager for numerous habitat restoration projects and has successfully managed the procurement and administration of millions of dollars in grant funding for communities and governmental agencies. Mr. Burton joined HRC in 1998, has over 23 years of professional experience, is a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Michigan, and holds LEED AP and CFM designations.
Email: | jburton@hrcengr.com |
Education: | BS, Biosystems Engineering, Michigan State University, 1998 MBA, Integrative Management, Eli Broad Graduate School of Management/Michigan State University, 2004 |
Professional Registration: |
Professional Engineer, Michigan, 2002 Certified Flood Plain Manager, 2009 |
Societies: | American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Agricultural Engineers Michigan Water Environmental Association Society of Southeastern Michigan Municipal Engineers |

Charles E. Hart, PE
Vice President
Charles E. Hart, PE, currently leads the Road Design Department. His primary work experience includes managing and designing complex roadway, roundabout/intersection, bridge and culvert replacement and rehabilitation, municipal utility, and drainage improvement projects. The majority of Mr. Hart’s design and project management work is for federally funded projects, which follow Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) guidelines for special provisions and estimating. Mr. Hart joined HRC in 1998, has over 23 years of professional experience, is a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Michigan.
Email: | chart@hrcengr.com |
Education: | BS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, 1997 |
Professional Registration: |
Professional Engineer, Michigan, 2002 |
Societies: | American Society of Civil Engineers American Public Works Association Transportation Research Board |

Todd J. Sneathen, PE
Vice President
Todd J. Sneathen, PE, has over 30 years of experience providing highly regarded infrastructure design and management for a wide variety of projects. He has dedicated his professional career to providing high quality projects that contribute to the health and well-being of local Michigan communities. His depth of experience includes roadways, sewer collection, CSO abatement, water distribution, solid waste collection, wastewater treatment plant, as well as park system and downtown maintenance programs.
Email: | tsneathen@hrcengr.com |
Education: | BS, Civil Engineering, Michigan State University, 1990 |
Professional Registration: |
Professional Engineer, Michigan, 1996 |
Societies: | American Public Works Association Michigan Water and Environment Association Michigan Municipal League |

Thomas G. Maxwell, PE
Vice President
Thomas G. Maxwell, PE, has over 35 years of experience providing highly regarded infrastructure design and management for a wide variety of projects. Mr. Maxwell joined Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. in 1988 and served as a project manager for a water resources commissioner’s office. He has been involved in more than $600 million in projects and studies.
Email: | tmaxwell@hrcengr.com |
Education: | BS, Civil Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 1986 MS, Civil Engineering, Wayne State University, 1993 MAcc, Accounting, Oakland University, 2014 |
Professional Registration: |
Professional Engineer, Michigan, 1991 NASSCO, Inc. Pipeline Assessment and Certification Program (PACP) NASSCO, Inc. Manhole Assessment and Certification Program (MACP) NASSCO, Inc. Lateral Assessment and Certification Program (LACP) |
Societies: | American Society of Civil Engineers Michigan Water Environment Association American Society of Civil Engineers |